Emco Electrodyne

Rewind & Repair

Repair, refurbishment and rewinds

  • Rewind AC motors and generators from 415 volts to 18000 volts up to 40MW ratings
  • Rewind DC Machines upto 7000 HP including commutator replacements
  • In works and onsite Failure/Root cause analysis and diagnostics
  • Cryogenic (Dry-ice) and steam cleaning
  • Onsite overhauls of large motors and generators.

Diagnostic and residual life assessment

  • Complete Condition Monitoring (online and off-line)
  • Electrical and mechanical analysis
  • Laser alignment and in-situ balancing
  • Thermography and heat path tracing

Major overhauling onsite and at works

  • Overhaulting of machines onsite and at works
  • Rewinding, re-design or insulation improvement
  • Retrofit bearings, seals, shafts, retaining rings and other components.
  • Condition monitoring and RLSA studies.

Long terms service contracts

  • Comprehensive maintenance of rotating machines in the entire plant
  • Maintenance scheduling ranging from annual, pre-planned and breakdown
  • 24hr urgent response guarantee
  • Permanent deputation of skilled team at customer's site for round the clock support